Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

How Free Trade Helps the Environment

How Free Trade Helps the Environment

Rather than increasing costs for clean technologies and adding artificial barriers for emerging markets to access industrialized ones, leaders should turn to free trade to meet the world’s economic, energy, and climate needs.

The Rare Earths Mine That Won’t Need a Single Shovel

The Rare Earths Mine That Won’t Need a Single Shovel

"However, Rainbow is now working with K-Tech, a Lakeland, Fla.-based chemical technology firm, on a novel approach to processing the rare earths further into more valuable rare-earth oxides. It is testing out a faster, more environmentally friendly way, known as continuous-ion chromatography, which has been used in photography. Bennett hopes to start producing rare-earth oxides with K-Tech on a trial basis by the end of March."

These Startups Are Helping Carbon Dioxide Find a New Life

These Startups Are Helping Carbon Dioxide Find a New Life

"Calgary-based CleanO2 transforms CO2 captured from building heating boilers into feedstock to make soap. Newlight Technologies, a biotechnology startup based in California, takes carbon pulled directly from the air and turns it into biodegradable plastics. Germany’s Covestro AG, one of the world’s largest polymer manufacturers, is also switching some of its fossil fuel-based feedstocks to carbon-derived materials for everything ranging from car shells to medical devices and stadium roofs."

A quest for ‘green liberty’: How America’s eco-republicans are trying to reclaim the right

A quest for ‘green liberty’: How America’s eco-republicans are trying to reclaim the right

"Maturity hardly comes to mind in today’s culture war. But political necessity is an unstoppable force. Should conservatives recommit to economic liberty and equate it with the environment, conservative environmentalism may be reborn. Environmentalists, for their part, need to refocus on what matters: results. To regain their identities, environmentalism and conservatism need look no further than their family tree."

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