Devin Hartman writes in Corporate Knights about how the eco-right is helping conservatives reclaim the issues of climate, energy, and the environment.

- Conservation and environmentalism is uniquely conservative and organizations of the “eco-right” are helping the political right reclaim the issue.
- Allowing the market and private sector to lead (a conservative solution) has allowed the U.S. to advance innovation and reduce emissions faster than any other nation.
- Free market climate solutions also have economic co-benefits and improve human flourishing.
- Durable and meaningful climate solutions will require conservative engagement and bipartisan agreement.
“Maturity hardly comes to mind in today’s culture war. But political necessity is an unstoppable force. Should conservatives recommit to economic liberty and equate it with the environment, conservative environmentalism may be reborn. Environmentalists, for their part, need to refocus on what matters: results. To regain their identities, environmentalism and conservatism need look no further than their family tree.”
Read the full article here.
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