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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Five Ways to Help Lower Gas Prices

Five Ways to Help Lower Gas Prices

While the U.S. can’t control supply disruptions in other countries or when demand increases in India, there are policy levers Congress and the administration can pull to help in the short and intermediate run.

Exploring the pros and cons of nuclear energy

Exploring the pros and cons of nuclear energy

"Our survey results show that people who worry about climate change are more open to advanced nuclear technology than they are to traditional nuclear reactors. In our most recent survey, 65% of the respondents who worried most about climate change supported the use of small modular reactors in the US; less than 50% supported the construction of traditional reactors or plants."

Zap Energy Achieves Significant Fusion Energy Milestone: Electron Temperature Exceeding 10 Million Degrees

Zap Energy Achieves Significant Fusion Energy Milestone: Electron Temperature Exceeding 10 Million Degrees

"This result is also a major success story for ARPA-E. Building on earlier scientific studies of sheared-flow stabilization of a Z pinch supported by DOE Fusion Energy Sciences, the University of Washington pursued initial performance scale-up of the concept in the ARPA-E ALPHA program beginning in 2015. From this seed, Zap Energy was spun off, and further performance improvements were funded in the ARPA-E OPEN 2018 program and the BETHE program starting in 2020, before Zap raised over $200M of private capital. Additionally, ARPA-E funded a Thomson-scattering diagnostic capability team from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryand a neutron diagnostic capability team from Los Alamos National Laboratory. These two teams’ travelling diagnostic capabilities provided independent and consistent measurements, which confirmed the achievement of 1-keV electron temperature."

NBA Legend Rick Fox’s Next Act: Green Concrete Entrepreneur

NBA Legend Rick Fox’s Next Act: Green Concrete Entrepreneur

"Fox wants to do something about those emissions with his startup, Partanna Global Inc. He’s the co-founder and chief executive officer of the company, which has offices in the Bahamas. They make concrete by swapping out cement for a proprietary mix containing blast-furnace slag from steel-making, or materials with similar properties, such as volcanic ash. Then they add brine, which is fluid waste from desalination plants, and aggregate, or crushed rocks. The process requires no fossil-fuel burning or analogous emissions from cooking limestone, the company says. Once set, the material absorbs some CO2, flipping the cement equation on its head."

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