Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Europe’s energy conflict fuels outbreak of realism about climate policy

Europe’s energy conflict fuels outbreak of realism about climate policy

"If Merkel at last recognized the folly of Germany’s climate policy overreach and Macron decided that re-election as president of France was better than virtue-signaling on climate, the world would owe them a debt for teaching us that reality can be avoided temporarily, but it never can be canceled. We might also hope that some American politicians are taking note of what is happening with their Old-World counterparts."

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

"The biggest lesson in this epic travesty is that even if President Biden were truly committed to decarbonizing the economy (which is to be seriously doubted, given how fast he backed away from a gasoline tax, among other things), the resistance of Democrats at regional-agency level, among environmental groups, and in the federal judiciary makes it almost impossible to imagine how he could succeed."

The environmental case for buying a coal mine

The environmental case for buying a coal mine

"Various groups have acquired land or negotiated water rights in order to preserve habitats for wildlife. Others have directly acquired grazing permits so that land is not used for climate-intensive agriculture. Some campaigners have even outbid logging companies for timber leases in Montana, or successfully acquired trawling permits and vessels from fishermen in California."

January 24, 2022January 26, 2022BBC in Policy
Got Energy? Geopolitical Tension Might Change That…and the Shape of the Energy Transition

Got Energy? Geopolitical Tension Might Change That…and the Shape of the Energy Transition

"Policy decisions will not be uniform, and the path of the energy transition will undoubtedly be bumpy with fits and starts along the way. Coming out of COP26, policymakers pledged to strengthen 2030 emissions targets by the end of 2022 rather than waiting for the formal 'stock taking' process, but a greater focus on reducing methane leakage is likely an indication that governments are growing skeptical that fossil fuels can be displaced quickly. Additionally, midterm elections in the US could derail the Biden Administration’s environmental agenda, proving all politics, even international environmental politics, are local."

6 electric aviation companies to keep on your radar

6 electric aviation companies to keep on your radar

"Universal Hydrogen also landed a partnership with Connect Airlines in December to help it become the first zero-emission U.S.-based airline. The airline is purchasing 24 of Universal Hydrogen’s green hydrogen conversion kits to transition to an actual zero-emission operation. Universal Hydrogen has signed various other letters of intent with airline operators interested in purchasing its conversion kits."

Europe’s Crazy War on Natural Gas

Europe’s Crazy War on Natural Gas

"Most remarkable is that the critics of nuclear and natural gas are ignoring the current economic and political crisis wrought by their policies. Vladimir Putin is the main beneficiary of Europe’s climate obsessions and hostility to fossil fuels and nuclear power. He has energy leverage over the Continent that no dictator should be able to have. Brussels is belatedly trying to correct this blunder by encouraging smarter energy investments."

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