The unreported good news about climate change is that no matter how dire the warnings, ultimately, it’s economic freedom and clean energy innovation that’s needed.
Meet FRED: The Trash-Collecting Sea Robot Cleaning San Diego Bay
Plastic pollution is not only damaging to the environment but creates real economic harm. Plastic litter that breaks down into microplastics disrupts the food chain, altering the reproductive system of fish and stunting growth.
How Private Property Restoration Saves Lives in Uganda and Around the World
The value of their work cannot be overstated. By rescuing these women from violent predators and restoring their property rights, Redeem literally saves their lives and changes the trajectory of their family’s future forever.
7 Ways Plastic Bottles are Being Recycled and Finding New Life
Plastic bottle use is inevitable. It’s unlikely that even the most committed environmentalist will be able to go through their life without drinking from a plastic bottle at some point. But, while the use of plastic bottles is inevitable, bottles ending up in a landfill is not.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Accelerates Energy R&D, Conservation, and Regulatory Reform
The bill takes important steps forward on energy research, development and demonstration, environmental conservation and remediation and improving several regulatory processes.
California-based Oberon Making Potential Breakthrough Fuel to Decarbonize Transportation
Oberon has only begun to produce the molecule on a large scale. Nonetheless, rDME shows promise as a multi-faceted molecule to curb carbon emissions in various ways.
Are Solar-Powered Airports the New Future of Travel?
Solarized airports are not just good for the wallet; they are good for the environment too. Expect to see more airports going solar the next time you’re booking a flight.
Efforts to Plug Hydrogen into 21st Century Economy Involves Immense Challenges to Build Parallel National Infrastructure
As the investment community begins throwing money at hydrogen, look for some serious debate in the coming months and years over what – and whether – there is value in the hydrogen economy for American businesses and consumers.
How Crop Insurance Can Combat Supply Chain Risk for Coffee
The coffee industry needs a serious revamp. In the face of unpredictable weather events stemming from climate change, traditional insurance models are ill-equipped to deal with the changing plight of farmers on the ground.
Clarifying and Easing Regulatory Burden Helps the U.S. Nuclear Industry More Than Money
The success of Oklo and other nuclear start-ups shows that private capital can play a bigger role in nuclear power than is currently allowed. But first, the federal government needs to get out of the way and let private enterprise price the proper risk of these new nuclear technologies.