"Now that the shouting is over, it is time to come together. The voters have offered a mixed bag in favor of Biden and Congressional Republicans. A quick read of the tea leaves tells us it is time to get down to the hard work of building a policy that can bring people together, protect our economic recovery and succeed at reducing emissions."
New Orleans Faces Big Costs Due to Climate Change
Making an economic case for fighting climate change is essential. Solutions that slow innovation and increase hardships for lower-income residents could make a challenging situation worse.
What President Biden can Learn from George W. Bush on Climate
"The right way is to adopt policies that spur investment in the new technologies needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions more cost-effectively in the longer term without placing unreasonable burdens on American consumers and workers in the short term."
The 2020 Election was a Rejection of Excess
Voters said no to the ideological excess of progressives and the individual excess of Trump
How a Simple Tech Platform Allows People Better Energy Choices
"Arcadia makes it easy for Americans to generate market-based clean energy growth. In a season where there is demand for increased government energy intervention, this tech platform is setting a better path forward through the basic principles of supply and demand."
Polling Politics
"These efforts, coupled with our continuing investments in technology-driven by clean energy market successes, are already providing the pathway to meaningful reductions in greenhouse gases – not bigger government, command and control approaches that prescribe what cars you can drive, what appliances you have in your house and whether you can keep the lights on."
On Climate, Amy Coney Barrett Will Be Fair on the Law, and Science
“A more conservative Court will assure that federal climate action is firmly rooted in laws crafted by Congress. It also will force climate activists to choose a path to tackle climate action based on well-established federal and state jurisdictions … Respecting states’ rights is not code for climate inaction; it clearly defines a path for policymaking success.”
An Economy Improves By Building Markets, Not Imposing Taxes
A better approach would use the power of markets to reduce carbon. Unleash free-market competition by reducing regulatory barriers, streamlining and accelerating permitting for clean energy, and getting rid of all energy subsidies.
In Final Debate, Trump Should Promote Urgency Over Climate Alarmism
In the final presidential debate President Trump has an opportunity to hit reset not just on the presidential race but on an announced topic that will be a subject of debates for decades: climate change.
New Poll Shows Voters Want Climate and Clean Energy Solutions
New polling data shows that climate change is an important issue among GOP voters.