Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

In a debate about solutions and what to do about this risk it’s important to think not just in terms of “the science” but all the sciences – plural – especially economics and math. And in the spirit of the film’s wonderful “Last Supper” scene, that’s a conversation that all sides should approach with honesty and grace.

Meet the Company that Grows Veggies With Recycled Rainwater

Meet the Company that Grows Veggies With Recycled Rainwater

The world must produce 56% more food by 2050 to meet global population demand, according to a 2019 World Resources Report from the United Nations. With over three-fourths of the world’s freshwater already set aside to agriculture, water scarcity will be the foremost threat to our global food systems. That’s where AppHarvest comes in, the...

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