With summer quickly approaching, private sector innovators are allowing eco-friendly shoppers to find clothing that protects the planet and keeps consumers feeling fresh and comfortable.
Eco-Modernism: The Cure to Climate Nihilism
Our environmentalism must increase human prosperity if it is to work and to make a world worth living in.
Hating Jeff Bezos Won’t Solve Climate Change
Reducing spending, streamlining regulations, reforming the tax code and reducing energy prices will do far more to control inflation and combat climate change than demonizing Jeff Bezos.
Let’s Remind Ourselves Again: Nuclear Energy Is Safe
Ultimately, it is important to remind ourselves - and the general public - that nuclear energy is not only clean and reliable, it is also safe.
One Unexpected Sustainable Architecture Tool: Oysters
Green innovation comes in many forms, but it is not every day that they include putting live animals (humanely) to work. The impact of SCAPE Studio’s research and phenomenal implementation will be felt worldwide.
The Green Movement’s Insistence on Only Renewables Emboldens Putin
Decarbonising the energy grid requires market competition and diversified supply — not becoming fifth-columnists for Russian imperialism.
The New Age of Energy Security
The “great game” of our 21st century should be a race to tap all sources of power, and thereby create an effective, “all-of-the-above” cleaner and more secure energy future.
President Biden’s NEPA Regulations Will Make Energy Even More Expensive
We need to streamline regulations so that it is easier to build cleaner and faster - not harder.
Parallel Systems is Revolutionizing Freight Transportation
By shifting some of the nation’s existing freight to electric rail, Parallel’s next-generation connected fleet can help address a number of pressing issues in the country ranging from the current supply-labor crunch of professional truck drivers to rampant congestion in busy American highways and ports.
Congressman Buddy Carter Outlines Conservative Climate Solutions
As conservatives engage in this space, leaders such as Representative Carter will be needed to offer durable and pragmatic climate solutions that bolster our natural and economic environment.