Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Drop in pandemic carbon dioxide emissions previews world of electric vehicles

Drop in pandemic carbon dioxide emissions previews world of electric vehicles

“When the San Francisco Bay Area mandated shelter-in-place March 16, it created a natural experiment for UC Berkeley's Ron Cohen, who had established an inexpensive pollution sensor network in local neighborhoods. The sensors showed carbon dioxide emissions plummeting 25 percent in the subsequent six weeks, mostly because of a 48 percent drop in traffic. Networks like this -- soon to be emplaced in Glasgow -- can track greenhouse gases and progress toward lowering them, including the impact of electric vehicles.”

How to unleash agtech in the fight against climate change

How to unleash agtech in the fight against climate change

“We’re believers that there’s no comprehensive solution to climate change without major changes to the agricultural system. There will be multiple unicorn-level outcomes as companies begin reshaping the $7 trillion food industry while removing gigatons of carbon from the atmosphere. For those startups and investors fortunate enough to remain standing now, the ag industry just got a lot riper for disruption.”

Balancing nitrogen between food production and climate change

Balancing nitrogen between food production and climate change

“It is very clear that only a joint view of organic carbon and nitrogen management will provide the synergies needed to address both food security and climate change. These goals can only be delivered in an effective way by working from the ground up, starting with those who manage the land and providing the site-specific and dynamic information systems that allow a systems view of soil health management. In our opinion, only a joint platform to address the carbon-nitrogen nexus in soil health management will accomplish that.”

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