"China is leading the world in new coal power plants, building more than three times as much new coal power capacity as all other countries in the world combined in 2020."
Strategic Biofuels Achieves Major Project Milestone Towards World’s First Carbon Negative Renewable Diesel Plant
Louisiana-based diesel Strategic Biofuels has successfully completed a carbon capture and sequestration test program at its Louisiana Green Fuels Project.
To Fix the Climate, We Need a Million Norman Borlaugs
From Todd Myers at The Dispatch: The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reenergized the debate about how to reduce risks from the increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Many on the left are calling for a massive and expensive government-run Green New Deal, and President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending...
How the political landscape in Afghanistan could impact the mining of rare earth minerals
Frank Fannon, Managing Director of Fannon Global Advisors and the Former Assistant Secretary of State at the Bureau of Energy Resources, joins Worldwide Exchange to discuss the impact of the unstable political Afghan landscape on rare earth mineral mining, and what the ripple effects could be.
The Unreported Good News About Climate Change
The unreported good news about climate change is that no matter how dire the warnings, ultimately, it’s economic freedom and clean energy innovation that’s needed.
Southern Company Gas Leads Partnership To Develop Clean Hydrogen From Waste
"The DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy awarded Southern Company Gas $1 million for the project, which seeks to use food waste from landfills to generate power, thereby diverting large volumes of food waste from landfills and reducing GHG emissions at the same time."
Nuclear power is key to the future of green energy in South Texas
Nuclear power is our best choice, yet it’s disappointing that there is so little discussion of its future in South Texas. To bring nuclear back into the mainstream will require bold leadership, especially from the private sector. Responsible journalism, with accurate reporting based on facts, can help considerably. We should be having an active dialogue on the future of nuclear power as a source of baseline power generation in San Antonio and Texas. To ignore nuclear power is a loss for our long-term energy planning.
Want to get serious on net zero? Look to the startups
"One of the biggest challenges in stepping up net-zero plans is connecting companies with projects that reliably remove and store the emissions that can’t be mitigated directly. Startups are stepping in to help."
Meet FRED: The Trash-Collecting Sea Robot Cleaning San Diego Bay
Plastic pollution is not only damaging to the environment but creates real economic harm. Plastic litter that breaks down into microplastics disrupts the food chain, altering the reproductive system of fish and stunting growth.
Can this mineral help boost the carbon stored in oceans?
"The natural process Project Vesta is trying to encourage is the carbonate reaction. This is how CO2 from the air gets absorbed by oceans and ultimately is transformed into calcium carbonate, which eventually forms sediment and limestone on the ocean floor, sequestering carbon out of the atmosphere for long-term storage."