Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Actor Matt Damon Scales Up Clean Water Venture With $200 Million Climate Infrastructure Plan

Actor Matt Damon Scales Up Clean Water Venture With $200 Million Climate Infrastructure Plan

"To date, WaterEquity and have reached 58 million people through its small loan programs, which are paid back at a rate of 98%, according to the founders. White said they are targeting returns of 6-8% on the $150 million they raised in an oversubscribed fund last year, and then 10-12% for this latest infrastructure fund. The main populations they serve are India, Indonesia, Cambodia, the Philippines and Kenya, where the WaterEquity founders say women are disproportionately impacted by issues of clean water scarcity."

Fixing Flood Insurance

Fixing Flood Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program puts a significant strain on the federal budget and taxpayers. Instead of renewing it and hoping for the best, lawmakers should update the program as quickly as possible.

‘Forever chemicals’ are eternal no more thanks to a pollution destroying device from Tacoma startup

‘Forever chemicals’ are eternal no more thanks to a pollution destroying device from Tacoma startup

"The startup’s weapon of PFAS destruction incorporates technology from the University of Washington and the Colorado School of Mines. It annihilates the pollutants in a device that can reach high pressure and temperature — hitting 570 degrees Fahrenheit. To that they add lye — an ingredient in soap — to create a caustic environment. The conditions dismantle the PFAS, breaking off the compound at its head, chopping up its spine of carbon molecules, and lopping off the fluoride molecules that run along the backbone."

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