Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Gas Stove Bans are Costly and Limit Consumer Choice

Gas Stove Bans are Costly and Limit Consumer Choice

Gas stove bans are burdensome to consumers and businesses alike for no meaningful climate benefit and for a dubious connection to asthma. While electric stoves and induction stoves certainly have their merits, individuals, not federal regulators, should decide what appliance they want to use.

Venezuela’s Oil Industry, Reopening to Investors, Is Major Polluter

Venezuela’s Oil Industry, Reopening to Investors, Is Major Polluter

"'It’s not even happening once in a while anymore, we’re now talking about spills and leaks that are practically constant because there’s no personnel to handle them,' Mr. Quero said. Venezuela has seen many experienced oil field technicians and laborers flee the country over the past decade as the economy tanked and as the collapse of the local currency, the bolivar, rendered salaries the equivalent of a few U.S. dollars a month, oil union leaders say."

Europe Moves to Revive Mining to Cut Reliance on China

Europe Moves to Revive Mining to Cut Reliance on China

"The slow process of obtaining permits, in which companies can invest hundreds of millions of euros and years of effort only to have a mining project canceled, is one of the biggest drags on the industry, said Rolf Kuby, director general of Euromines, an industry lobby. He praised the EU Commission’s recent proposal to streamline the process."

UK Power Grid Could Have First Commercial Fusion Reactor By 2030s

UK Power Grid Could Have First Commercial Fusion Reactor By 2030s

"'Fusion can offer low impact, zero carbon, effectively limitless energy produced through a triumph of science,' concludes Edelman. 'It can do this without the drawbacks of most other sources of energy...Fusion can make up the yawning gap between the energy we know we need by 2050 and the energy that we know can be produced in low and no carbon ways by 2050.'"

Breaking Down the Major Permitting Reform Bills

Breaking Down the Major Permitting Reform Bills

In the past few months permitting reform has been top of mind for federal lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, and for good reason. The current permitting process under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) takes an average of 4.5 years to complete and requires millions of dollars to navigate. This hurts community development,...

How the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife and working landscapes

How the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife and working landscapes

Marcia Argust explains how the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife in The Hill. “The scope of the Farm Bill is vast, but it offers an opportunity to support thriving wildlife populations, safe roadways and vibrant local economies. We urge Congress to follow recent science and data and continue to invest in wildlife connectivity when it...

Is China really leading the clean energy revolution? Not exactly

Is China really leading the clean energy revolution? Not exactly

"Scratching through the big numbers, two issues deserve the world’s deeper understanding. The first is that China’s successful clean technology campaign has more to do with its economic strategy than its climate commitments. The second is that, alongside its impressive achievements in renewable energy, China is also one of the world’s biggest polluters. Neither is likely to change imminently."

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