Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

How stalling growth hurts the planet

How stalling growth hurts the planet

"Degrowthism may seem like the only reasonable response to the climate challenges we face, but the experience of enforced economic shrinking during the pandemic indicates the pain would outweigh the benefits — especially for the world's poorest."

The Emerging Republican Climate Policy Framework

The Emerging Republican Climate Policy Framework

"Conservative climate policies avoid large, top-down omnibus legislation such as the Green New Deal, which would allow the federal government to reorganize the entire economy. Philosophically, conservatives focus on positive incentives to innovate toward lower emissions and support adaptation efforts as sea levels rise and weather patterns change."

Farm Bill Faces Uncertain Path Forward Post-Election

Farm Bill Faces Uncertain Path Forward Post-Election

While the election is now behind us, the future of the long-awaited Farm Bill remains in question. Farmers and ranchers have been waiting for the reauthorization of the bill for more than a year, since the last bill expired in September 2023. While there is a ready, bipartisan-supported version released by House Agriculture Committee Chair GT Thompson, it remains...

More Tariffs Won’t End Pollution or Solve Global Warming. They’ll Just Make Stuff More Expensive.

More Tariffs Won’t End Pollution or Solve Global Warming. They’ll Just Make Stuff More Expensive.

"The carbon border tax or polluter import fee can therefore be understood as an attempt to solve that problem—and to universalize whatever carbon policies developed nations might impose in coming decades. But it runs up against a serious practical problem. Taxing one's own citizens is a poor way of getting other nations to change their behavior."

Deregulation and U.S. Energy Independence

Deregulation and U.S. Energy Independence

Paul Dabbar writes in The Wall Street Journal on how deregulation has created U.S. energy independence. “Technological innovation and broad deregulation are responsible for transforming the U.S. into a global energy powerhouse. The development by American oil and gas companies of new horizontal drilling techniques and the perfection of the process of hydraulic fracturing were...

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