Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The Swiss Say ‘No,’ ‘Nein,’ to Costly Climate Regulations

The Swiss Say ‘No,’ ‘Nein,’ to Costly Climate Regulations

"From a broader policy perspective, the right way to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment is through free market principles, which have proven to deliver environmental success. The most remarkable improvements in clean energy use and energy efficiency over the past decades have occurred not as a result of government command and control, but because of advances in economic freedom."

The American Public Favors Competitive Energy Markets – So Does the Environment

The American Public Favors Competitive Energy Markets – So Does the Environment

"Market competition is how the United States has established itself as a leader in so many different areas. With public opinion lining up with the practical advantages of competitive energy markets, deregulating energy markets and promoting competition among energy sources and producers is a no-brainer – both for consumers and the planet."

Americans Know Energy Is Infrastructure

Americans Know Energy Is Infrastructure

"Americans know what infrastructure is, and they know energy is central. Infrastructure affects everyone, everyone agrees it needs to be repaired, and everyone should have a stake in its success. President Biden and the Democrats would be making a huge mistake to try and shove yet another expensive, partisan spending package this summer in the name of infrastructure. It’s time for them to reach across the aisle and work seriously on behalf of America."

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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