Families and businesses want affordable, dependable power; however, improving the reliability of the grid in response to Texas’s winter storm should effectively correct for any specific problems rather than unnecessarily overhauling the entire market structure.
Europe’s Self-Made Energy Crisis
"There’s no getting around it. Europe’s energy crisis is a failure of policy and a clear case study of the danger of disassembling the stability that comes with fuel diversity in a misguided, rushed and irresponsible approach to the energy transition. The warning for American energy and climate policy is impossible to miss. Whether policymakers learn the right lessons remains to be seen."
Britain Needs New Nuclear to End Reliance on China
Reforming nuclear regulations will help Britain reach net-zero goals, while lessening reliance on China.
Residential construction permits in Portland down 82% since Green New Deal
"In 2020, prior to the new inclusionary zoning provision, 756 residential units were put on the planning books. In the roughly one year since passing the provision in November 2020, only 139 units had been put on the books — a decrease of 81.6%, according to a study by the Boulos Co."
Why the Russia crisis matters for U.S. energy
"But the administration may have little direct influence since the market for natural gas responds mostly to prices, observers say. There are long-term policy changes by the U.S. and its allies,however, that could reduce Russia’s influence over Europe, which is already grappling with a severe energy crisis, they say."
Governance and Institutional Design Will Be Critical to Growing a Clean Hydrogen Economy
"The long-term prospects for hydrogen in the United States will depend on more than how well DOE administers hydrogen hubs. Without a broader market shift toward hydrogen and long-term policies to back that shift, whatever success the agency can spur through the hub program will be muted."
China’s Xi Says Climate Targets Can’t Compromise Energy Security
"Xi has long stressed the need to strengthen domestic oil and gas production. But his latest, broader, comments once again bring China’s persistent anxieties around the supply of food, energy and materials to the fore. And they highlight how the campaign to reduce emissions has at times come into direct conflict with efforts to check commodities prices, which have surged over the past year in large part because of a shortage of coal and rising power costs."
Ukraine, Europe, and Energy Dependence
"It’s hardly a secret that, even if it has the political will (or inclination) to do so, Germany’s willingness to push back against a Russian incursion ('minor' or otherwise) is severely constrained by its dependence on Russian gas (I included some statistics on this here), a dependence that, for various reasons, the opening of the Nord Steam 2 pipelines will (if it happens, and I think that it’s highly likely that it will) make even more dangerous than it already is."
Nick Loris Talks Economic Freedom, Global Climate Solutions on C-SPAN
Today, Nick Loris joined C-SPAN’s Washington Journal to discuss the many solutions and innovations that are available to address climate change and reduce its risks.
President Biden’s Simple Tool to Increase U.S. Solar Deployment
With respect to solar tariffs, the best option for President Biden is to sit back and let them expire.