The results of PERC’s study are a mixed bag, but it is encouraging to see that many states are making it easier to spur private conservation practices.
Conservatives Should Lead on Electric Transmission Reform
"Conservative thought leaders have been resistant to the idea of Congress imposing an arbitrary requirement on interregional transfer. Their instincts serve them well. Grid economics and reliability conditions vary by region. Some conservatives skeptical of a uniform requirement find a tailored approach more appealing, where transfer levels are determined by region-specific reliability conditions and benefit-cost analysis."
Rail freight transportation makes America a low-emissions leader
"Attempts to quickly find solutions may very well have the effect of driving up costs for freight rail transportation without having any measurable impact on safety, and they could undoubtedly result in a negative impact on U.S. efforts to lower global emissions."
How Trains Can Help Tackle Climate Change
Policymakers must recognize the significant role freight rail plays – not only in reducing emissions – but also in strengthening American supply chains and economic growth.
AgARDA Can Spur Agricultural Innovation and Breakthroughs
As lawmakers look to shore up the next generation of U.S. agriculture, providing adequate funding to AgARDA is a good place to start.
Congressman August Pfluger Offers Pragmatic Solutions to Bolster Energy Security, Affordability
Thanks to the leadership of members like Congressman Pfluger, America’s energy sector can continue to lead the world for years to come.
For a cleaner energy future, we must embrace small nuclear reactors
"By harnessing the benefits of small nuclear reactors alongside other renewable energy sources, we can create a resilient and low-carbon energy system, paving the way toward a cleaner and brighter future for generations to come."
The Secret Economic Benefits of Transmission Lines
"These economic benefits should be a central part of the policy conversation around permitting reform. Congress needs to come together to ensure that future permitting reform also includes transmission reform to unlock its immense potential to reduce emissions, increase reliability, and ensure economic prosperity for Americans and communities across the country."
Renewables And Storage Got Texas’ Grid Through This Heat Wave. But The State Legislature Still Hasn’t Fixed Its Underlying Problems
"The 250% residential demand spike during Uri could have been mitigated dramatically if Texas proactively funded efficiency incentives and adopted tighter building codes. Those actions are cheap - all of the homes in Texas could be winterized for less than the $50 billion in power price premiums paid out during Uri. Beyond lowering electricity demand, winterization measures would lower consumers’ utility bills while making their homes more comfortable."
Senator Shelley Moore Capito Leads to ADVANCE Nuclear Energy
The ADVANCE Act, which enjoys bipartisan, bicameral support, would reduce timelines for nuclear projects to come online and strengthen American leadership in nuclear energy innovation