Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The Political Risks of Mandating EVs for Everyone

The Political Risks of Mandating EVs for Everyone

"The realities of physics and engineering mean that politicians pushing for an all-EV future run a high risk. Quite aside from the eventual discovery that EVs will disappoint with only a tiny impact on global CO2 emissions, the bigger impacts will come as consumers find vehicle ownership costs and inconveniences both escalating."

U.S. Deploys $3.5B Boost for Grid Resilience: Major Projects Revealed

U.S. Deploys $3.5B Boost for Grid Resilience: Major Projects Revealed

"The biggest Grid Innovation recipient is the Minnesota Department of Commerce, which will receive $464 million to coordinate the planning, design, and construction of five transmission projects across seven Midwestern states, known as the Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ) Portfolio. The $1.8 billion JTIQ, launched by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) in 2020, aims at building transmission network upgrades along the MISO-SPP seams to enable new generator interconnections."

The Hidden Costs of Green Protectionism

The Hidden Costs of Green Protectionism

Opening up trade, reducing inefficient regulations, and promoting pro-growth tax policies will allow the market to respond to consumer demands for cleaner technologies without leaving the developing world behind. 

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