Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The NRC Needs a New Direction

The NRC Needs a New Direction

"NRC rules have substantially increased the cost of developing, building and operating nuclear reactors without bringing much in the way of additional public-health or safety benefits. Even worse, the continual tightening of nuclear regulations has almost certainly worsened public health nationwide. When red tape hamstrings the construction of new plants, the nation’s electricity system has to keep relying on polluting fossil-fuel facilities."

Lessons from NuScale’s terminated project will help pave the way for advanced nuclear energy

Lessons from NuScale’s terminated project will help pave the way for advanced nuclear energy

"Continued public and private financial support for advanced nuclear energy research, development, demonstration and deployment is even more important now. This support not only fosters technological advancements but also contributes to broader climate and sustainability goals, supports national security, and helps strengthen diplomatic relations between the U.S. and its allies."

The Growing Folly of ‘Big Oil’ Demonization

The Growing Folly of ‘Big Oil’ Demonization

Rather than dismissing big oil’s investments in clean energy as greenwashing, we should recognize the positive contributions they make for energy affordability, energy security and higher standards of living around the world.

More Energy Folly From 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

More Energy Folly From 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

"In essence, switching from coal to natural gas in power generation effectively mitigates adverse community health effects that would otherwise continue for communities near coal-fired plants. Through LNG exports, by displacing coal with natural gas, the U.S. can continue to help enable mitigations of greenhouse gas emissions and other hazardous air pollutants throughout the world."

Biden’s Natural Gas Export ‘Pause’ Is Based on Bad Math

Biden’s Natural Gas Export ‘Pause’ Is Based on Bad Math

"It's telling that the White House and Department of Energy have not even offered answers to those two huge questions about the potential consequences of this decision. If the entire policy is predicated on the importance of slowing global emissions, it's only fair to expect the federal government to show its work and prove that reducing the growth of American LNG exports actually will reduce global emissions."

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