The faster candidates pivot to making the case for economic freedom, and avoid lower priority fights, the better.
Voluntary Markets, Increased Verification Offer a Better Pathway for Brazil’s Carbon Market
Voluntary carbon markets can accomplish the economic and environmental goals that policymakers and consumers want at a more competitive price.
Securing American Nuclear Leadership: A Matter of Climate Action and National Security
"We cannot afford to build a clean energy future that makes us more dependent on the likes of Russia or China. Rather, we must bolster our national security by building out our nuclear fleet with abundant and secure supply chains."
The Endangered Species Act: 50 Years Old and in Need of Reform
The regulatory status quo is not truly recovering endangered species—it’s time to try something new.
House Energy and Commerce Moves to Unleash Nuclear Power
A more competitive nuclear industry would be good for energy security and the climate.
The Political Risks of Mandating EVs for Everyone
"The realities of physics and engineering mean that politicians pushing for an all-EV future run a high risk. Quite aside from the eventual discovery that EVs will disappoint with only a tiny impact on global CO2 emissions, the bigger impacts will come as consumers find vehicle ownership costs and inconveniences both escalating."
U.S. Deploys $3.5B Boost for Grid Resilience: Major Projects Revealed
"The biggest Grid Innovation recipient is the Minnesota Department of Commerce, which will receive $464 million to coordinate the planning, design, and construction of five transmission projects across seven Midwestern states, known as the Joint Targeted Interconnection Queue (JTIQ) Portfolio. The $1.8 billion JTIQ, launched by the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) in 2020, aims at building transmission network upgrades along the MISO-SPP seams to enable new generator interconnections."
The Hidden Costs of Green Protectionism
Opening up trade, reducing inefficient regulations, and promoting pro-growth tax policies will allow the market to respond to consumer demands for cleaner technologies without leaving the developing world behind.
The Coming Energy Expansion and What it Means for the Climate
Successful energy and climate policies should liberate producers and innovators to provide consumers with what they want as opposed to policymakers and regulators dictating to consumers what they think they should have.
New Study: Solar Projects Do Not Lower Nearby Home Values
Expanding renewable energy generation can coincide with high property values for homeowners and businesses.