Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The cold truth on energy

The cold truth on energy

"The federal government’s heavy-handed regulation of our energy industry and move toward a 'green economy' have forced us to have fewer options to choose from for our grid. When one source of energy fails, the other sources have to pick up the slack or the entire energy grid could shut down."

Florida lawmakers tackle flood risk with slate of climate change bills

Florida lawmakers tackle flood risk with slate of climate change bills

"State House Speaker Chris Sprowls (R-Palm Harbor) presented his 'Always Ready' agenda with bills sponsored by Rep. Demi Busatta Cabrera (R-Coral Gables) and Rep. Linda Chaney (R-St. Pete Beach) to dedicate $100 million each year to mitigate the impacts of flooding and sea-level rise starting in 2022."

5 Bipartisan Clean Energy Policies for the 117th Congress

5 Bipartisan Clean Energy Policies for the 117th Congress

"Congress just worked together to pass a historic, bipartisan clean energy innovation law. Lawmakers were successful in these efforts because they found common ground. We need to make sure American clean energy technologies are available and affordable to all Americans. There’s a lot of innovative technologies to be excited about, but there’s a lot more Congress can do. Let’s get started."

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