Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low-carbon future

Fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low-carbon future

Marcus Lee writes on The Washington Examiner that fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low carbon future. “As we rightly move toward decarbonization to address the climate crisis, it would be a mistake to ignore the valuable contributions that hydrocarbons will play in helping us achieve this goal. While scientists tell...

Put conservatives back into conservation

Put conservatives back into conservation

"We all care about the environment; after all, this is our home and the world we will pass down to our children and grandchildren. Where we differ is how to steward the resources we’ve been given. As conservatives, we believe stewardship means using our resources wisely."

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

Congressmen Ron Estes and Tracey Mann write on RealClearEnergy that America’s energy policy should be “all of the above” not “everything but.” “Republicans have an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence, embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy, and doesn’t allow Washington to pick winners and losers through massive subsidies. The...

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