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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

How Markets Adapt to Climate Change

How Markets Adapt to Climate Change

From Matthew E. Kahn at PERC: In 1980, the biologist Paul Ehrlich and the economist Julian Simon engaged in a famous debate. Ehrlich argued that ongoing population growth would lead to overconsumption of natural resources and a collapse in food consumption per person. Simon countered that rising scarcity creates incentives to unleash human ingenuity and...

44.01 secures $5M to turn billions of tons of carbon dioxide to stone

44.01 secures $5M to turn billions of tons of carbon dioxide to stone

"The holes would maximize surface area, and highly carbonated water would be pumped in cyclically until the drilled peridotite is saturated. Importantly, there’s no catalyst or toxic additive, it’s just fizzy water, and if some were to leak or escape, it’s just a puff of CO2, like what you get when you open a bottle of soda."

‘Green Bitcoin Mining’: The Big Profits In Clean Crypto

‘Green Bitcoin Mining’: The Big Profits In Clean Crypto

Chris Helman of Forbes writes on the profitability of clean cryptocurrency mining. “For all bitcoin’s purported benefits, it’s also clear that the currency is an environmental disaster. Depending on bitcoin’s cost (a higher price attracts more miners), its global network sucks up between 8 and 15 gigawatts of continuous power, according to Cambridge. New York...

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