Competitive markets should continue to operate without state governments picking and choosing the winners within those markets. This will ensure that more reliable and cleaner options can come to market without the interference of needless red tape.
Author: Clark Strawser
Could Desalination Present a Solution to Rising Sea Levels?
Opening the door to private investment in desalination could mitigate rising sea levels and water scarcity.
The Biggest Obstacle to EV Sales is the Government
Reforming dealer franchise laws benefit the environment, the economy, and consumers in every state.
Saudi Arabia Can’t Solve Our Long-Term Energy Problems
While the President has a vital role to play in international trade relations, this trip to Saudi Arabia should not be viewed as the solution to our policies domestically.
House GOP Outlines Pathway to Boost Domestic Energy Production
In the face of rising oil prices, House Republicans released a package of bills to lower costs and boost domestic energy production. The high prices at the pump have strained consumers and our lack of energy independence has raised security and ethical concerns. No one denies the immediate need for oil, including President Biden. President...
Progressive NIMBYism is One of the Biggest Obstacles to Clean Energy
Unless public opinion can be changed to match the environmental values progressives claim to hold, NIMBYism will continue to be an obstacle in the fight against climate change.
New Technology on Track to Return Radiation in Chernobyl to Naturally Occurring Levels Within 5 Years
The revolutionary NSPS technology from Exlterra could lead to people once again inhabiting a clean and thriving Chernobyl in the very near future. Private companies like Exlterra are showing the way to a cleaner, greener environment.
Finland Bets on Nuclear Energy and The US Should Do the Same
Finland’s Onkalo facility should be a victory for all climate activists as we work to improve the world’s most reliable clean energy source. In response to this news, the United States should lessen its regulatory burden on nuclear energy to encourage more production and lessen the cost of new plants.
The Top Four Conservationist Presidents
Our goal should always be sustainable policies that can last for generations. Lincoln, Grant, Harrison, and Roosevelt paved the way for conservation in our country and we should ensure that this practice of conservation continues for many generations to come.
Socialism Hurts the Environment and Examples are Everywhere in Recent History
Socialist policies are presented as the solution to climate change, but this directly contradicts the history of socialism. Not only is socialism not the solution, but it would cause the United States to reverse much of the progress it has already made to combat climate change.