Wildfires are increasing in size and severity largely due to decades of poor forest management and wildfire suppression policies.
Articles by
Addressing Six Common Concerns of the Nuclear Naysayers
Support for nuclear power is continuing to grow as more people recognize that it is a source of dependable, emissions-free energy.
Reasserting Conservative Energy Policy in the Populist Age
An economic freedom agenda would reduce deficits and energy costs, strengthen energy security, and help stabilize the climate.
This Startup Uses Dead Leaves To Make Paper
More than 60 percent of Americans recycle their paper products, and the paper industry has made strides forward in using recycled materials. However, paper still adds to our landfills more than any other material, making up an estimated 23 percent of America’s solid municipal waste. The Department of Energy estimates that the country’s paper waste...
Harris Has a Policy Problem, not a Values Problem
She failed to reassure voters who are concerned that, at her core, she’s just another left-wing central planner who will make bad policy decisions.
Price Controls are a Threat to People and the Planet
The better approach to control inflation is to reduce government spending and increase energy abundance.
The Christian Call to Care for the Earth
While climate change and environmental policy are often tinged with partisanship, it doesn’t have to be that way. We may not all come to the same conclusions on which policies are best, but there are God-honoring solutions available for everyone to support.
A Clean Water Organization Brings Life, Hope and Opportunity to Africa
Years ago, TOMS shoes launched into fame with their altruistic one-to-one model of giving a pair of shoes to a child in need for every purchase. What seemed like a great idea on the surface was deeply flawed, ultimately putting local shoemakers out of business and revealing that shoe gifting—a very temporary fix—was of no...
How Private Property Restoration Saves Lives in Uganda and Around the World
The value of their work cannot be overstated. By rescuing these women from violent predators and restoring their property rights, Redeem literally saves their lives and changes the trajectory of their family’s future forever.
The Inconvenient Truth: Conservatives and Christians Care about Climate Too—And Their Ideas Matter
Now that young conservatives, Christians, Republicans and formerly climate apathetic groups are taking a bold stand and offering innovative solutions, it’s important for the Parties and partisans to take the carrot and progress in good faith.