Now that young conservatives, Christians, Republicans and formerly climate apathetic groups are taking a bold stand and offering innovative solutions, it’s important for the Parties and partisans to take the carrot and progress in good faith.
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How Innovation Makes Mom Life Better
Innovation brings equality and more women into the workforce.
The American Dream in Crisis for Rural Communities: A review of Grace Olmstead’s Uprooted: Recovering the Legacy of the Places We’ve Left Behind
Uprooted argues that our hometowns deserve better. They deserve the second thought that young people neglect to give them when they leave home for school, jobs, relationships and escape.
A Divine Call to Combat Climate Change for our Neighbors
By prioritizing the people of earth first, American Christians and non-Christians, Republicans and Democrats alike, can come together to combat climate change, and enforce responsible policy solutions that respect life, fiscal responsibility, property rights and lead the world toward a better future.
How an Eco-Friendly Candle Store Made Green Products Cool
Environmentally-friendly ingredients are more expensive, but the value Americans put on their health and the earth has increased significantly in recent years. This is good news for the earth and the success of businesses prioritizing energy reduction and minimizing greenhouse gases.