Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

A nuclear frontier

A nuclear frontier

"For all the hysterical talk from the Green New Dealers of a renewable-only future, the simple truth remains: renewables will never be reliable enough to power the modern world. If we want to tackle climate change, reduce emissions, and power the grid, then we need the proper mix of energy. We need to make sure that nuclear not only stays on the grid, but grows on it."

Cities are starting to ban new gas stations

Cities are starting to ban new gas stations

"In Petaluma — where neighborhood opposition to a new Safeway gas station prompted years of litigation — the council voted unanimously last week to move forward with a permanent ban on new stations; a final vote will happen Monday."

Deregulation Is Not The Central Culprit For Texas’ Electricity Crisis

Deregulation Is Not The Central Culprit For Texas’ Electricity Crisis

"Former FERC Commission Wood says that while ERCOT could have done a better job forecasting load requirements, it did the best it could with the hand that it was dealt. In other words, severe weather conditions caused generators to go offline, especially those using natural gas — a fuel that provides 43% of the state’s electricity. He likened the system operator’s role to that of an air traffic controller, who ensures that planes land safely. "

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