Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low-carbon future

Fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low-carbon future

Marcus Lee writes on The Washington Examiner that fossil fuels still have a role to play in the low carbon future. “As we rightly move toward decarbonization to address the climate crisis, it would be a mistake to ignore the valuable contributions that hydrocarbons will play in helping us achieve this goal. While scientists tell...

Rule by Regulation

Rule by Regulation

Andrew Stuttaford of National Review analyzes the Biden administration’s rule by regulation approach to clean energy and climate change. “The real aim of the emerging central-bank game is two-fold. Firstly, to increase the cost of capital for climate sinners by ‘discouraging’ banks from lending to them and secondly, by mandating disclosure of such risks (and...

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