Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Rare Earth Elements 101

Rare Earth Elements 101

"Rare earth elements (REE) are 17 natural elements that have become essential to America’s national security and economic prosperity. REE are needed to manufacture a multitude of products, including cell phones, batteries, airplanes, solar panels, satellites, and military technology, among many others."

NEPA Modernization 101

NEPA Modernization 101

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a comprehensive law that requires all federal infrastructure and energy projects to undergo an environmental assessment and environmental impact study (EIS) in order for the project to be completed.

The Green New Deal 101

The Green New Deal 101

"The Green New Deal (GND) is pitched as a plan to save the planet from climate change; in reality, however, it is a progressive wishlist that would greatly expand the federal government’s powers at the expense of everyday Americans, while doing little for the environment."

Nuclear Energy 101

Nuclear Energy 101

"Nuclear energy is the largest source of carbon-free electricity in the United States. Despite this, some environmental groups seek to stop any and all nuclear energy development by pushing misleading and alarming rhetoric, along with increasing government overregulation. As a result, by 2050, nuclear’s share of energy generation in the U.S. could decline from 20% to 11%."

Natural Gas 101

Natural Gas 101

"While no fuel source is perfect, attacks on natural gas are largely misguided. Today, the natural gas industry is continually innovating and finding ways to deliver its fuel in cleaner and safer ways."

The Paris Climate Agreement 101

The Paris Climate Agreement 101

"The U.S. is already leading in emissions reductions through technology innovation. If policymakers are serious about addressing climate change,  they should unleash innovation by investing in research, reducing taxes for businesses, streamlining regulatory barriers, exporting our clean energy technology, and engaging in clean free trade with the international community."

Agriculture Innovation 101

Agriculture Innovation 101

C3 Solutions, in Agriculture Innovation 101, writes about the importance of farmers and ranchers in the fight to address climate change. buy arava online arava online generic “The agricultural sector is an ally, not a foe, in the fight against climate change. Farmers and ranchers across the nation are implementing practices and technologies that benefit both the...

Natural Climate Solutions 101

Natural Climate Solutions 101

"Natural solutions, which include reforestation efforts, sustainable agriculture, and responsible land use practices, among other strategies, are some of the most cost-effective and efficient solutions to reduce emissions. Additionally, nature-based solutions are vital to promote ecological and community health, both in urban and rural areas."

Blue Carbon 101

Blue Carbon 101

"Blue Carbon, which is the carbon stored in coastal and oceanic ecosystems, is a significant nature-based climate solution that is often overlooked. While many natural climate solutions are terrestrial, Blue Carbon sequesters CO2 in seagrass, mangrove forests, marshes, and other coastal ecosystems." 

Forest Restoration 101

Forest Restoration 101

When people think of natural climate solutions, they usually think of forests and trees, and that makes sense. Trees sequester enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. They lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve our air quality, and even enhance mental well-being.

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