C3 Solutions makes the case for modernizing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

- The National Environmental Policy Act was implemented with the well-intentioned goal of protecting the environment. Instead, it has become a burden to key infrastructure and energy projects. It often seriously delays clean energy projects and efficiency improvements.
- Environmental Impact Studies and the review process under NEPA, prior to the 2020 CEQ Final Ruling on NEPA Modernization, slowed down these projects, drove up costs, and disincentivized progress.
- In order to successfully implement their infrastructure and energy plans, Democrats and the Biden administration should continue to find ways to streamline NEPA review. Other regulations, such as the New Source Review, should also be scrutinized.
- If this is not addressed, clean energy projects – and, as a result, the planet – will suffer.
“The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is a comprehensive law that requires all federal infrastructure and energy projects to undergo an environmental assessment and environmental impact study (EIS) in order for the project to be completed. NEPA was intended to protect the environment, but over the years has become overly burdensome, bureaucratic, and often counterproductive for clean energy development. NEPA slows down progress and drives up costs for clean energy and infrastructure projects that would benefit the environment.”
Read the policy paper here.
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