Pre-mortems are helpful because, in any election, the winning side tends to overinterpret the results while the losing side tends to underinterpret the results.
What Trump Got Right and Wrong on Nuclear Power in His Interview with Joe Rogan
In a lengthy interview with Joe Rogan, Donald Trump offered mixed reviews on nuclear power.
Environmental DNA Analysis Could Improve Conditions For America’s Farmed Fish
Researchers are using environmental DNA analysis to monitor the ocean surrounding fish farms without using much equipment or manpower.
Tiffany & Co. Launches Ocean Conservation Initiative
Tiffany & Co. wants to impact the environment positively, and its marine conservation initiative is the latest example.
Permitting Reform Isn’t Just a Lame Duck Opportunity. It’s a Forever Battle
Permitting reform is not a one-and-done fix. It will take bold reform at the federal and state levels to capitalize on America’s energy abundance and technological innovation.
On Energy, Don’t Go the Way of California and Germany
It is California’s climate policies that are gouging consumers by reducing energy choices and gouging consumers by imposing high taxes.
Biden Says There’s a Wildfire Crisis, But Opposes A Common-Sense Solution
Wildfires are increasing in size and severity largely due to decades of poor forest management and wildfire suppression policies.
Addressing Six Common Concerns of the Nuclear Naysayers
Support for nuclear power is continuing to grow as more people recognize that it is a source of dependable, emissions-free energy.
Reasserting Conservative Energy Policy in the Populist Age
An economic freedom agenda would reduce deficits and energy costs, strengthen energy security, and help stabilize the climate.
This Startup Uses Dead Leaves To Make Paper
More than 60 percent of Americans recycle their paper products, and the paper industry has made strides forward in using recycled materials. However, paper still adds to our landfills more than any other material, making up an estimated 23 percent of America’s solid municipal waste. The Department of Energy estimates that the country’s paper waste...