Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

A Step Forward on Legislative Permitting Reform

A Step Forward on Legislative Permitting Reform

After the failure of the Manchin-Barrasso Energy Permitting Reform Act in the last Congress and with the zone flooded by executive action, legislative approaches to permitting reform in a new Congress are also kicking into gear.

Reviving the God Squad to Tackle ESA Reform

Reviving the God Squad to Tackle ESA Reform

To increase energy supply and strengthen America’s energy security, the President is calling for comprehensive regulatory reform, including help from the so-called “God Squad.” This little-known and rarely utilized group is officially known as the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Committee, and has only been convened three times since its creation in the first round of ESA Amendments in 1978. Now, it is required to meet quarterly...

Trump’s Second-Term Playbook: Lower Oil Prices to Curb Inflation, Boost Growth, and Pressure Russia

Trump’s Second-Term Playbook: Lower Oil Prices to Curb Inflation, Boost Growth, and Pressure Russia

At home, lower energy prices—particularly at the pump—are central to Trump’s strategy for reducing consumer inflation and stimulating economic growth. The President has set an ambitious goal of reducing retail gasoline prices to below $2 per gallon, a significant drop from the current national average, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

A Nuclear Revival in Michigan

A Nuclear Revival in Michigan

While more approvals are necessary to begin operations, recommissioning nuclear power plants will play a vital role in meeting  America’s growing energy demand and increasing nuclear energy capacity in the U.S. 

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