Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Cleaning Up European Energy

Cleaning Up European Energy

"The key is to remove all the market, cost, and fiscal barriers in the way of beneficial innovators. When streamlined policy makes new investments cheap and easy, newer, cleaner technologies replace older, dirtier technologies at an ever faster pace, accelerating innovation and the energy transition."

Brazil to propose financing plan to protect tropical forests at COP28

Brazil to propose financing plan to protect tropical forests at COP28

"'It’s not top-down. It has to be a bottom-up exercise,' said André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, a senior Brazilian diplomat, about Brasília’s environmental efforts. 'At COP28, we’re going to have the beginning of a very important new stage. What has to be done will be debated first by the countries that have tropical forests.' said André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, a senior Brazilian diplomat, about Brasília’s environmental efforts. 'At COP28, we’re going to have the beginning of a very important new stage. What has to be done will be debated first by the countries that have tropical forests.'"

US, UK Lead Pledge to Triple Nuclear Power by 2050 at COP28

US, UK Lead Pledge to Triple Nuclear Power by 2050 at COP28

"The declaration is the latest sign of shifting sentiment toward nuclear power, which doesn’t produce carbon dioxide emissions, but has often been criticized over the waste it generates, the cost of building plants and potential security issues. Support has gained traction especially as clean back-up for renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. The countries will also commit to new technologies, such as small modular reactors."

Global trade gets a bad rap. But we can’t stop climate change without it.

Global trade gets a bad rap. But we can’t stop climate change without it.

"Most importantly, trade, in the climate change era, allows economies with relatively clean sources of energy to specialize in energy-intensive goods and services. It is essential both to shift the footprint of global production to where things can be made at the least cost to the environment and to allow the dirtier producers in the developing world to acquire technologies — mostly originated in richer nations — that will enable them to reduce their emissions, too."

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