Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The Promise of Carbon-Neutral Steel

The Promise of Carbon-Neutral Steel

buy zocor online buy zocor online no prescription Matthew Hutson writes in The New Yorker on new innovations in carbon-free steel. “Fortunately, we’ve since learned that there’s more than one way to purify iron. Instead of using carbon to remove the oxygen from ore, creating CO2, we can use hydrogen, creating H2O—that is, water. Many...

Our Planet Is Drowning in Plastic Pollution, But Several Solutions Are Already Here—Thanks to Human Ingenuity

Our Planet Is Drowning in Plastic Pollution, But Several Solutions Are Already Here—Thanks to Human Ingenuity

"For real, lasting, powerful solutions to pollution problems, we need to rely on a different tool. We need to tap into what Julian Simon called 'the ultimate resource': the human mind. In particular, we should look to the innovators who are fired up about finding creative solutions to such problems, people such as Fionn Fereira."

We Are Now One Step Closer to Limitless Energy From Nuclear Fusion

We Are Now One Step Closer to Limitless Energy From Nuclear Fusion

Chris Young of Interesting Engineering writes that we are now one step closer to limitless energy from nuclear fusion. online pharmacy order augmentin online with best prices today in the USA online pharmacy no prescription pharmacy “During the test, the magnet reached 20 tesla, a unit of measurement named after pioneering engineer Nikola Tesla,...

Oklo Takes Next Step with DOE to Enable Fuel Recycling Capabilities

Oklo Takes Next Step with DOE to Enable Fuel Recycling Capabilities

Oklo, a 22-person Silicon Valley startup headed by Jacob DeWitte and Caroline Cochran, has just entered into a new public-private partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The goal of this partnership? To enable the commercialization of advanced fuel recycling capabilities by utilizing electrorefining technology. This goal is the same as the one held...

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