Josh Siegel of The Washington Examiner reports on a new U.N. climate report. “Global warming from the use of fossil fuels is aggravating extreme weather across the world and the problem will become significantly worse with further emissions, the United Nations said in a major new report on Monday.” Read the full article here.
We’re Paying the Price for Refusing Controlled Burns
Improper forest management, such as refusingcontrolled burns, is creating denser forests and subsequently more intense wildfires.
Large wildfires have burned more than 1 million acres in a dozen states
"In the midst of a relentless series of heat waves taking place in a region plagued by the worst drought so far in the 21st century, the forests and grasses located in western states are a tinderbox. The fire season is only expected to get worse from here."
Drought is stressing California’s power grid
"Rolling blackouts have already become a new norm for the state as utilities shut down power lines in an attempt to avoid sparking fires during hot, dry weather. But summertime outages also occur when residents crank up their air conditioners to beat the heat and demand outpaces the available power supply."
Why We Must Celebrate America’s Natural Gas Boom
"Policies that ignore natural gas’ long and short-term benefits threaten the energy security America worked so hard to achieve. Moreover, impeding domestic energy production would eliminate all means of economic and energy security, while forcing consumers to rely on energy imports from countries who lack the same industry-leading environmental oversight and regulatory framework."
“Nuclear Batteries” Offer a New Approach to Carbon-Free Energy
"We may be on the brink of a new paradigm for nuclear power, a group of nuclear specialists suggested recently in The Bridge, the journal of the National Academy of Engineering."
Climate Catalysts: Fantastic Fungi
"Amazingly, scientists have discovered that by inoculating the soil with the right species of fungi, plants growing in that soil become stronger and more resilient and can actually grow more quickly as well."
Finland Breaks Ground On World’s First Deep Geologic Nuclear Waste Repository
"About one hundred deposition tunnels will be excavated during the 100-year operational period. The repository will total a length of about 35 kilometers, with each tunnel being about 4.5 meters high, 3.5 meters wide and 350 meters long, each holding about 30 canisters."
Seaweed: An Out-of-the-Box Experiment in Carbon Mitigation
Studies show introducing seaweed into the cattle diet can help the meat industry reduce its carbon footprint.