"Disney World recently announced a major upgrade to its resort that will enable the park to obtain nearly half of its energy from solar power. This news is just one element of a major push from the company to decrease its carbon footprint around the world."
Google unveils new heat resilience tool for cities
"While heat officers can advocate for policies, they often lack decision-making power within a city or regional government."
Another California Drought with No New Reservoirs
"In 1979, California’s population was a little more than 23 million. Today, it is more than 39 million. Yet in that entire time, California did not construct one additional, large-scale water storage project – meaning water infrastructure that once suited the state’s irrigation, livestock, and human needs has become chronically inadequate to meet its essential tasks."
End the War on Nuclear Power—Start with Radiation
"Nuclear energy is the cleanest, safest, densest, and most reliable energy source. The value proposition for nuclear energy is unparalleled; it’s the only commercially proven, dispatchable clean energy technology that can be scaled up fast enough to meet the demand for electricity in a decarbonizing scenario."
US and India Should Do More With Critical Minerals
India and the US often describe each other as natural partners. In reality, collaboration between them usually fails to meet expectations. That seems likely to be the case with their new pact on critical minerals unless both sides focus on what exactly each can bring to the relationship. In a recently signed memorandum, the two countries agreed...
Google First Ever Retail Store Built With Sustainability In Mind
"Earlier this month, Google opened its first-ever retail store in New York City. With sustainability as a cornerstone of Google’s business strategy, the new store was designed and constructed with the highest sustainability standards."
This DOE-backed software is helping to unclog the grid
Brian Fitzsimons, CEO of GridUnity, doesn’t think his company alone can solve the grid interconnection backlog that’s holding back the U.S. energy transition. But he’s sure that its software is a lot better than the combination of paper, spreadsheets, and email that most grid operators use right now. In fact, he claims his firm’s software can shave about a year or more from the...
USDA must do more to regulate genetically modified crops, judge rules
The court’s ruling reverses an effort by the Trump administration to overhaul regulation of biotechnology products with the goal of streamlining the review process to accelerate innovation in agriculture. The changes meant that genetically modified crops would be subject to regulation if they’re deemed to be “noxious weeds,” which is determined based on traits from...
Republicans Proving to Be the Party of ‘Yes’ on Climate Solutions
Conservative solutions that are rooted in economic freedom are best equipped to address climate change.
Regulatory overhaul is key to the clean energy transition
Devin Hartman of R Street writes in The Hill that regulatory overhaul is key to the clean energy transition. “The problem isn’t the private sector’s unwillingness to spend, but a regulatory structure that deters private investment and insulates incumbent utilities from competition.” Read the full article here.