However, the United States can now boast of being the only country that has been able to couple nuclear power with desalination. Better yet, the nuclear reactor itself desalinates the water.
Strengthening Conservation Through the Increased TSP Access Act
Today, most farmers advocate for strengthening NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Service) voluntary conservation programs, recognizing the importance of environmental stewardship.The good news is that strengthening these programs doesn’t have to come from monetary investments alone.
The Small Modular Reactor Revolution
As we navigate the challenges of the 21st century, it is crucial that we continue to invest in and develop SMRs to ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future.
Big Tech’s big bet on nuclear power to fuel artificial intelligence
It might have seemed like one of the weirder headlines of 2024: Microsoft is paying $1.6 billion to restart Three Mile Island. That’s the nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania whose reactor #2 had a partial meltdown in 1979. There were no injuries, and nobody died, but it set the nuclear industry back years. Only two new plants...
Wyoming Hits the Rare-Earth Mother Lode
"Smart resource regulation is of course necessary, but we know more today than we ever have about how to protect the environment while powering a diverse economy. If the U.S. refuses to press its natural advantages, it will cede global leadership to China."
Could Desalination Present a Solution to Rising Sea Levels?
Opening the door to private investment in desalination could mitigate rising sea levels and water scarcity.
Reforms are Coming to the West’s Electric Industry: Keep Your Eye on Consumer Benefits
A revolution in the West's electric power grid is on the horizon, offering consumers potential reliability and economic benefits. However, those benefits will only be realized if we prevent special interests from hijacking the process.
Geothermal Is the Future of American Energy Dominance
Geothermal energy presents a unique opportunity for renewed American leadership with a resource that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year regardless of weather. This relatively untapped source of power uses energy stored in the earth to generate electricity or provide heat. It is inherently resilient and reliable, strengthens the grid, reduces...
Senators eye national standard for wildfire response on federal lands
Bipartisan legislation introduced by first-term Sens. Tim Sheehy (R-Mont.) and Andy Kim (D-N.J.) would establish a nationwide response time standard for wildfires affecting public lands. Under the bill, the Wildfire Response and Preparedness Act, all wildfires on Interior Department- or Agriculture Department-administered lands would be subject to a half-hour response standard. In a statement, Sheehy and Kim...
Startup’s new tech could solve a problem impacting thousands of miles of power lines: ‘This is a game changer’
One of the biggest roadblocks to clean energy in the U.S. isn’t a lack of wind or solar power — it’s an outdated grid that can’t keep up. Gridraven, an Estonian startup, is tackling that problem with AI-powered weather modeling, and it just secured €4 million to bring its tech to the U.S., reported CleanTechnica. The U.S. grid...