Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Pacific Northwest is a hub for fusion companies chasing power’s ‘holy grail’

Pacific Northwest is a hub for fusion companies chasing power’s ‘holy grail’

"To create fusion, one must first generate a plasma — a superheated gas and the most energetic of the four states of matter — where two nuclei smash into each other, forming a new atom and releasing energy. Plasmas are created in a wide variety of devices that can reach temperatures hotter than the sun and must contain the reactions for a sufficient amount of time. The energy given off by the reactions is captured and converted into electricity."

Congress must prioritize building safe and resilient rural communities from East to West

Congress must prioritize building safe and resilient rural communities from East to West

"Restoring America’s safety means building resilient communities that are able to protect residents, so we both remain committed to prioritizing policies that will cut red tape, increase active federal forest management and hazardous fuels reduction, ensure efficient development of critical infrastructure to reduce damages from flooding, and maintain a strong energy and communication grid during times of disaster."

Banning energy exports is a terrible idea

Banning energy exports is a terrible idea

"None of us are happy with the prices we are paying for gasoline, diesel and other petroleum products. And that is precisely why policymakers have a responsibility to look for real solutions. A refined product export ban would do more harm than good, raising domestic prices and hanging our allies out to dry."

Climate Reparations and the Problem of Pervasive Corruption

Climate Reparations and the Problem of Pervasive Corruption

"In its latest analysis, Transparency International reports that the average corruption perception score index for sub-Saharan countries is 33 out of a possible score of 100. G77 leader Pakistan scores 28. One reason people living in poor countries remain especially vulnerable to climate change is because government thievery and incompetence have held back the economic growth that would enable them to create the wealth with which to defend themselves. Even if rich countries were willing to pony up tens of billions in climate reparations, very little of the money would likely reach the citizens who are suffering the brunt of weather disasters."

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