Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

California needs to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open to meet its climate goals

California needs to keep the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant open to meet its climate goals

Steven Chu and Ernest Moiz, two former Secretaries of Energy under the Obama administration, write in The Los Angeles Times on the importance of Diablo Canyon and nuclear energy. “The challenges here in California and globally are bigger than ever and the window of opportunity to mitigate climate change is closing fast. Extending the license...

Texas’ Competitive Energy Market 101

Texas’ Competitive Energy Market 101

"Texas can improve grid reliability without overhauling it. Regulators, utility commissioners, and politicians should uphold its competitive market which will benefit consumers and the environment alike."

This Norwegian start-up makes carbon-negative roads

This Norwegian start-up makes carbon-negative roads

"The process starts with recycling. Instead of trucking in new materials when a damaged stretch of asphalt needs repair, the company uses a machine that grinds up the top layer of the existing road. The equipment can also be used with concrete, another high-carbon material, as long as the concrete isn’t reinforced with steel. Then, the company uses lignin—a material in plants that’s a major byproduct of the paper industry—to glue the crushed material together."

President Biden’s Defense Production Act power grab

President Biden’s Defense Production Act power grab

"But with the president authorized to act unilaterally, Congress has no incentive to work on the harder issues it will eventually have to confront if it is serious about the increased production the United States will need to lead on technological innovations."

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