Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Does China Really Pick Winners?

Does China Really Pick Winners?

"China is a formidable economic competitor, but the key to its success is the energy and ingenuity of its people, not central planning and state subsidies. The strength of the U.S. system is free-market competition and a rule of law that allow innovation and the private allocation of capital. Washington won’t subsidize any more wisely than Beijing does."

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

"Republicans need to make the case for commonsense environmental policies like nuclear transformation. It’s the middle ground between banning meat to save the environment and bashing environmental concerns as a hoax. By focusing on local and community based climate solutions, an all-of-the-above approach to energy, and an acceptance of anthropogenic climate change, Republicans can win over young voters."

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

"The decision to greenlight ConocoPhillips’ Willow project comes on the heels of sweeping conservation measures the White House revealed late Sunday night to bar future drilling in the Arctic Ocean and tighten up conservation in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, where the $8 billion Willow project will be located."

UK Power Grid Could Have First Commercial Fusion Reactor By 2030s

UK Power Grid Could Have First Commercial Fusion Reactor By 2030s

"'Fusion can offer low impact, zero carbon, effectively limitless energy produced through a triumph of science,' concludes Edelman. 'It can do this without the drawbacks of most other sources of energy...Fusion can make up the yawning gap between the energy we know we need by 2050 and the energy that we know can be produced in low and no carbon ways by 2050.'"

How the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife and working landscapes

How the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife and working landscapes

Marcia Argust explains how the Farm Bill can conserve wildlife in The Hill. “The scope of the Farm Bill is vast, but it offers an opportunity to support thriving wildlife populations, safe roadways and vibrant local economies. We urge Congress to follow recent science and data and continue to invest in wildlife connectivity when it...

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