Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Pacific Northwest is a hub for fusion companies chasing power’s ‘holy grail’

Pacific Northwest is a hub for fusion companies chasing power’s ‘holy grail’

"To create fusion, one must first generate a plasma — a superheated gas and the most energetic of the four states of matter — where two nuclei smash into each other, forming a new atom and releasing energy. Plasmas are created in a wide variety of devices that can reach temperatures hotter than the sun and must contain the reactions for a sufficient amount of time. The energy given off by the reactions is captured and converted into electricity."

Fish Friendly Hydro: Natel Energy Is Proving It’s Possible

Fish Friendly Hydro: Natel Energy Is Proving It’s Possible

"The RHT is optimized for low head (from 2 meters to 20 meters) and doesn’t require fine fish screens. The design’s thick, slanted blades transport fish away from the leading edge into wide inter-blade regions and downstream to the outlet. The progressive slant of the blades from hub to tip also minimizes the likelihood of severe strike and eliminates the risk of entrapment between moving and stationary parts."

Why socialism sickens and capitalism cures

Why socialism sickens and capitalism cures

Vance Ginn writes about the benefits of capitalism in The Washington Examiner. “Capitalism, with a free market economy of voluntary exchange and limited government, allows spontaneous order with a well-functioning price system to best allocate resources to those who value it most. This results in a compassionate system for people rather than for politicians.”   Read...

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

"Republicans need to make the case for commonsense environmental policies like nuclear transformation. It’s the middle ground between banning meat to save the environment and bashing environmental concerns as a hoax. By focusing on local and community based climate solutions, an all-of-the-above approach to energy, and an acceptance of anthropogenic climate change, Republicans can win over young voters."

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

"The decision to greenlight ConocoPhillips’ Willow project comes on the heels of sweeping conservation measures the White House revealed late Sunday night to bar future drilling in the Arctic Ocean and tighten up conservation in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, where the $8 billion Willow project will be located."

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