Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

How to Stop the Paris Climate Accord

How to Stop the Paris Climate Accord

"To prevent the Paris Climate Accord from taking on such undue power, Mr. Trump should submit it to the Senate, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should schedule a quick vote. It would certainly be rejected—ratification requires a two-thirds vote—and it is unlikely any court could subsequently resurrect a legislatively tossed treaty."

Is Biden’s War on LNG the New Anti-Nuclearism?

Is Biden’s War on LNG the New Anti-Nuclearism?

"If idealistic politicians succeed in removing U.S. LNG from the global market, it will lead to the double whammy of increased coal and dirtier natural gas from emissions-agnostic countries like Russia. Like nuclear, the LNG export sector is highly vulnerable to political disruptions. A rejected export terminal, much like a failed reactor, can erode investor confidence enough to reverse the industry’s momentum. A German state-owned gas importer, SEFE, has already turned to Russia in response to the pause, and other committed buyers like Malaysia are reportedly getting cold feet. These developments are neither good for global security nor the climate."

The Energy To Light Christmas

The Energy To Light Christmas

“Using Arcadia’s proprietary nationwide energy bill data, they estimated that running those lights in December costs Americans a total of $645 million. For each household that has Christmas lights, that’s an average of an extra $12 on their December power bill (up to $20 in California).”

The world has (probably) passed peak pollution

The world has (probably) passed peak pollution

"Note that this is not a finger-pointing exercise where rich countries tell poorer ones not to pollute. We’re mostly talking about local air pollution. The negative impacts of pollution are felt by domestic populations. It’s about how we ensure that the poorest countries can gain access to energy, alleviate poverty, and develop while limiting the number of people who die prematurely from air pollution in the process."

Anatomy of an EV Policy Error

Anatomy of an EV Policy Error

"In fact, a 2013 congressionally sponsored National Research Council study, led by the father of climate economics and future Nobel laureate, Yale’s William Nordhaus, concluded that green handouts and tax breaks are 'a poor tool for reducing greenhouse gases and achieving climate change objectives.'"

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