"The machines apply electricity to water and split the compound into its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen. It’s quite easy to make an electrolyzer at home that generates small quantities of hydrogen. All you need is two pieces of solid metal, some wire, salty water and a source of electricity."
Startup raises $26.5 million for vaccine to stop cow farts and burps
"Methane is much more potent than is carbon dioxide, in terms of its trapping atmospheric heat, although it also dissipates down faster."
What’s Going on with Electric Vehicles?
Both the left and the right should be troubled by the economic cost, inequity, and environmental futility of EV subsidies.
Scientists develop proof-of-concept device that uses air pollution to produce electricity
"Or, dreaming even bigger, it could be integrated into an industrial carbon capture plant, which would help cool the plant and also remove harmful pollutants from the air that contribute to human health concerns such as asthma, per the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America."
Tidal Vision, a startup turning crab shells into a green industrial chemical, is raising fresh cash
"The material is something of a wonder ingredient and can be used in water purification, to preserve produce, to promote plant growth, as a flame retardant in fabrics, and in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. It offers a safe alternative to toxic chemicals, metals, petroleum products and pesticides used in industry."
Biden’s $7B ‘clean’ hydrogen dream faces pipeline hurdle
"The National Petroleum Council, a federal advisory committee, recently recommended that Congress give FERC the ability to regulate interstate hydrogen pipelines in a report requested by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm."
Now Form Energy is using its battery tech to clean up iron and steel
"Form’s core product is a grid battery that uses powdered iron for the anode and runs the reduction and oxidation reactions back and forth to charge and discharge. The saying goes that if you wield a hammer, everything looks like a nail; Form’s engineers store energy by reducing iron, so they saw green iron production as another opportunity to apply their energy storage technique."
America’s 100% tariffs on Chinese EVs: bad policy, worse leadership
"Politicians in America from both parties argue that they need to increase tariffs on a wide range of goods. China is heavily subsidising its manufacturers, giving them an edge in global markets. And, they add, the security risk of letting in Chinese cars is too great, since evs are easily tracked and monitored. There is something to these concerns. But Mr Biden’s tariffs are a blunt tool for dealing with them and will bring underappreciated economic harms to America and the world."
New Report Outlines Regulatory Barriers to Innovation
The U.S. is a world-class leader in research, development, and innovation. Fixing the problems that unnecessarily inhibit the commercialization process will make it even stronger.
Aramco, Rondo Energy Studying GW-Scale Thermal Storage, Hydrogen, Carbon Capture Deployment
"Rondo Heat Batteries store energy in long-proven brick materials that can be cost-effectively produced with Saudi Arabia’s mineral resources. The companies will assess the potential of establishing large-scale energy storage manufacturing in that country."