“‘Green New Deals’ for the post-pandemic recovery in the US and Europe should learn from the GEA.”
Trump is out of touch with Republican voters on climate change
“Rather than deny Americans the chance to judge the candidates’ positions on an issue they care about, Trump should join Republican voters and lawmakers in supporting an innovation-based approach to climate change.”
Meet the Startup Stripping Old Planes for EV Parts
"One of the reasons casings are such a key focus is because securing secondary materials at high quality is a key challenge for the EV market. If you look at all the aircraft that are going to be retired between now and 2030-2035, there’s over 50 million battery casings for EVs that could be made."
Urchin Ranching In California Becomes A Reality In 2020
“It’s easy to see the urchins as villains in the story, however the goal is not to clear the seas of them, but rather to bring populations down to sustainable levels in which the kelp forests can reach equilibrium once again.”
The Coming Energy Shocks Under A Biden Administration
“Whether the energy shock emanates from the eclipse of the US as the world’s leading oil and gas producer (leading to high oil and gas prices) or from the collapse of the OPEC+ production cut agreement brought about by the re-emergence of unconstrained Iranian exports (leading to very low oil and gas prices), a Biden presidency presents some highly disruptive scenarios in global energy affairs, scenarios no less disruptive than any under Trump’s watch.”
George W. Bush’s EPA chief thinks Biden will revert agency to pre-Trump era
Abby Smith on The Washington Examiner writes that Bush’s former EPA chief believes Biden will return the agency to what it looked like prior to the pre-Trump era. “Biden’s agenda to curb emissions and other pollution will immediately help win favor with EPA staff who have been sidelined during the Trump administration, Whitman said. Biden...
Smart Upgrades and Innovations Mean More Carbon-Free Energy Than Ever Before
“The world is focused on reducing carbon emissions now more than ever as policymakers prioritize getting all of the clean energy we can. But for the past 30 years, our nuclear plants—which provide nearly 55 percent of the carbon-free energy in the U.S.—have been quietly powering our way of life without carbon emissions and working to do so more efficiently.”
A way forward on climate change: Focus on reducing heavy industry’s carbon emissions
“Heavy industry like iron, steel and cement production has an outsized impact on trade, job growth and the environment, which make it an alluring opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions."
Australian Startup Mimics Trees to Make Cheaper Green Hydrogen
"The machines apply electricity to water and split the compound into its constituent elements of hydrogen and oxygen. It’s quite easy to make an electrolyzer at home that generates small quantities of hydrogen. All you need is two pieces of solid metal, some wire, salty water and a source of electricity."
USDA Nominee Vilsack Casts Farmers as Leaders in Climate Fight
“'Farmers are prepared for it and anxious to do it,' Mr. Vilsack said during a virtual confirmation hearing before the Senate agriculture committee. 'If it’s voluntary, and incentive based, you will see farmers and ranchers cooperate extensively.'"