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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Preventing severe wildfires is climate action

Preventing severe wildfires is climate action

"More proactive measures must be taken to limit the severity of these wildfires. It is well-known by now that fire suppression tactics in states like California have backfired spectacularly, by allowing 'fuel loads' such as underbrush and dead trees to pile up, effectively creating enormous tinderboxes."

Nuclear energy is key in fight for climate

Nuclear energy is key in fight for climate

"At a time when we need every tool in the box to fight the climate crisis – and nuclear is one of the most effective – isn’t it time we started to look at the facts rather than repeat myths about nuclear waste?"

Free Trade and Clean Energy Go Together

Free Trade and Clean Energy Go Together

"It’s good to keep in mind that advancing free trade is a key policy action for effectively facilitating a healthy environment. The pragmatic, lasting way to ensure a cleaner and more sustainable environment lies on the path of spreading and enhancing the freedom to trade, which leads to dynamic, competitive innovation."

Prioritize Forest Management to Reduce Wildfire Risk

Prioritize Forest Management to Reduce Wildfire Risk

We cannot ignore the current and future impact of climate change on wildfires and other extreme weather events. But focusing solely on climate change misses the forest for the trees. If we ignore forest management and restoration, we’ll have far fewer of them.

Regulatory overhaul is key to the clean energy transition

Regulatory overhaul is key to the clean energy transition

Devin Hartman of R Street writes in The Hill that regulatory overhaul is key to the clean energy transition. “The problem isn’t the private sector’s unwillingness to spend, but a regulatory structure that deters private investment and insulates incumbent utilities from competition.” Read the full article here.

Conservatives need real climate realism

Conservatives need real climate realism

"Those kinds of initiatives do not require that conservatives adopt the most dire projections regarding greenhouse gas emissions and their effects. They are just the kinds of policies that would be justified even if warming were to proceed in the mid-to moderate part of the ranges that the IPCC projects."

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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