"Countries seem to be waking up to the realization that they can’t meet their climate, energy, and national security goals without nuclear energy."
FERC Ruling Can Help Regional Grids Experiment with Renewable Integration
Keeping a flexible operating environment will allow the best solutions for integrating renewable energy to emerge naturally.
Green dreams collide with energy crisis reality
"Instead of frightening the public with prophecies of ecological disaster, our leaders should level with voters – and activists – about the role legacy fuels are bound to play for decades to come, in our country and especially the rest of the world. That will help them set a more realistic and politically sustainable pace for America’s clean energy transition."
We can grow the farm economy while reducing emissions
"People want policies that lower food prices, strengthen supply chains, and benefit the environment. House Republicans’ commitment to conservation with a purpose will achieve that by fighting for rural America by empowering farmers, ranchers, and foresters to continue harnessing the carbon-reducing potential of their lands while increasing the global economic competitiveness of U.S. agribusinesses."
Biden Should Reach Out to Republicans, Not Riyadh
After Manchin’s Rebuff, Biden Has Nothing to Lose
Taxing Corporations to Address Climate Change is More Popular in Theory than Practice
If policymakers are serious about enacting durable climate solutions the most popular avenues are deregulation and offsetting any new spending with reductions in other areas of the budget.
Sri Lanka’s Green New Deal Was a Human Disaster
"Sri Lanka must now turn to better ways: accountability, democracy, the rule of law and yes, modern scientific farming that can feed all of its 22 million people."
Beware of Energy Isolationism
"The right course of action, and the necessary one, is for policymakers to develop policies that focus on long-term solutions, namely empowering the ability of the industry to respond to market signals by increasing domestic production and refining capacity, thereby bringing stability and relief to consumers."
Look Beyond China for Sustainable Rare Earth Elements
Policymakers need to reduce every government barrier that’s preventing entrepreneurs, investors and businesses from doing this hard work.
Germany’s Nuclear-Power Implosion
"The big lesson from this year’s energy crisis is that Europe’s vulnerabilities were a choice, not an inevitability. Rather than learning from that mistake, German politicians have chosen to repeat it."