Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Take It From Miss America: Young Americans Should Champion Nuclear Energy

Take It From Miss America: Young Americans Should Champion Nuclear Energy

"We each have a voice, and it's our responsibility to use our voices to enact meaningful change. Gen Z could be the generation that champions nuclear energy and fights back against climate change. In fact, we have to. It's time to seize this valuable opportunity to hold politicians accountable and take action to create reliable and zero-carbon energy."

Fossil Fuels Can Coexist With Climate Goals

Fossil Fuels Can Coexist With Climate Goals

Renewables, batteries, and nuclear power will play an increasingly important role in the world’s energy mix, and there are ways policymakers can increase clean energy capacity by reforming the permitting process and unleashing the private sector to invest in domestic supply chains for uranium and critical minerals. But assuming fossil fuels will disappear without significant cost to human welfare is devoid of reality.

Elon Musk Says We Need Way More Electricity. Is He Right?

Elon Musk Says We Need Way More Electricity. Is He Right?

"A big part of the problem appears to be rising waiting times for grid connections—an issue that is part politics and part a consequence of the nature of wind and solar plants, which require more grid development because of their intermittency and oft far-flung locations. A lack of clear legal guidelines on who should pay for long-distance transmission lines and how to resolve permitting disputes could strangle the renewable build-out in its crib, unless Congress or federal regulators act quickly."

More U.S. Mining Is a Win for People and the Planet

More U.S. Mining Is a Win for People and the Planet

"The fact remains that when we employ an 'out of sight, out of mind' mining strategy, both Americans and our environment lose. Not only do Americans lose out on good-paying jobs, but we’re supporting a dirtier, unsafe industry abroad. If we care about our planet and our people, the U.S. will take control of its mining future."

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