Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

It’s not just energy — our slow permitting process is also harming conservation

It’s not just energy — our slow permitting process is also harming conservation

"Put simply, permitting issues are holding North American conservation back, but Congress can fix it. This is a responsible and bipartisan way to ensure that American sportsmen and women can pass on their passions and appreciation of our natural resources, not just to their children and grandchildren, but also to keep these cherished outdoor traditions alive for generations long after. And our environment will be more resilient as a result."

New York and New Jersey have opened a new front in their eternal war

New York and New Jersey have opened a new front in their eternal war

"The New York plan, which could begin next May, would charge drivers who cross below 60th Street in Manhattan, perhaps as much as $23 a trip. The objective is to reduce traffic and air pollution in the city while delivering $1bn a year to the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to upgrade the city’s subways and buses. A win-win-win, it would seem."

It’s Time to Modernize America’s Nuclear Power Policy

It’s Time to Modernize America’s Nuclear Power Policy

"The United States can continue to be a leader in nuclear power, but only if the government modernizes its regulations to allow innovators the freedom to innovate. Allowing the inefficiencies and delays that ensnared the Vogtle project to continue will not only impede reductions in carbon emissions but also harm national energy security and reliability for businesses and consumers."

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