Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

How America wins from a pro-climate trade policy

How America wins from a pro-climate trade policy

“A well-designed climate policy can address this unfairness, help return important supply chains back to the U.S. and create more American jobs for the future. It can also serve to check China’s growing economic power and call out its practice of claiming climate progress while promoting carbon-intensive industrialization in emerging economies. “

Climate Change or Forest Management? Both Are to Blame.

Climate Change or Forest Management? Both Are to Blame.

“Our ability to avoid disastrous situations like the one currently engulfing the Western United States is impeded by partisans on both sides refusing to acknowledge the complexities of the issue—one can push common-sense climate policies alongside repealing onerous government regulation. The two are far from mutually exclusive.”

Use nature to fight climate change

Use nature to fight climate change

“There is no silver bullet solution for climate change. If we want to start making progress right now, we can start by empowering people who are closest to the land by enacting policies that help them sequester more carbon.”

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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