Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Migrating birds find refuge in pop-up habitats

Migrating birds find refuge in pop-up habitats

Every July, the western sandpiper, a dun-colored, long-beaked bird, leaves the shores of Alaska and migrates south. It may fly as far as the coast of Peru, where it spends several months before making the return trip. Western sandpipers travel along the Pacific Flyway, a strip of land that stretches along the Western coast of...

US and India Should Do More With Critical Minerals

US and India Should Do More With Critical Minerals

India and the US often describe each other as natural partners. In reality, collaboration between them usually fails to meet expectations. That seems likely to be the case with their new pact on critical minerals unless both sides focus on what exactly each can bring to the relationship. In a recently signed memorandum, the two countries agreed...

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