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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Author: John Hart

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

In a debate about solutions and what to do about this risk it’s important to think not just in terms of “the science” but all the sciences – plural – especially economics and math. And in the spirit of the film’s wonderful “Last Supper” scene, that’s a conversation that all sides should approach with honesty and grace.

For Climate Progressives, Winter is Coming

For Climate Progressives, Winter is Coming

For progressives, winter may be coming. But for conservatives who have recommitted themselves to policies that work in the real world, such as innovation and economic freedom, it may soon be morning again in not just America but the world.

Letters from Glasgow: COP 26

Letters from Glasgow: COP 26

C3 Solutions is excited to be in Glasgow during COP26 to promote economic freedom. "Letters from Glasgow" will provide regular updates from our team on the ground. Be sure to check back frequently for updated content.

British MP Liam Fox offers a Reaganesque “Time for Choosing” for Conservatives on Climate

British MP Liam Fox offers a Reaganesque “Time for Choosing” for Conservatives on Climate

Dr. Liam Fox, a Member of the British Parliament, kicked off our Climate & Freedom Symposium this morning with a fantastic and important speech. Just as President Reagan offered moral and intellectual clarity, and reality-based inspiration, with his “A Time for Choosing” speech, Dr. Fox described why innovation, creativity and economic freedom offer vastly more benefits for...

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