GeekWire reports that Amazon has revealed the first 5 companies that have invested into its $2B Climate Pledge Fund
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101 Companies Committed To Reducing Their Carbon Footprint
Here are 101 popular companies that are committing to carbon footprint reductions.
House Republicans are Putting Action Over Climate Alarmism
"House Republicans have a vision for a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment..."
Microsoft’s Sustainability Pledge
"To ensure that our funding will maximize carbon being taken out of the atmosphere, we are doubling down on scientific verification of each project, and using this RFP to harvest and share the best available science and market intelligence on carbon removal."
Natural Gas Bans Will Worsen California’s Poverty Problem
Bans on natural gas will make California’s poverty problem worse, and disproportionately hurt California’s poorest citizens.
It’s Time for Conservatives to Own the Climate-Change Issue
"Conservatives can either tackle the issue of carbon emissions sensibly by proposing workable solutions, or run the risk of allowing the Democrats to do it for us"
The Green New Deal: Less About Climate, More About Control
"One thing is clear: to meet these goals, Washington would have to force all Americans to reduce their energy consumption...the only way to do that is to impose coercive taxes and regulations."
The GOP faces a generational gap on climate change
Younger Republicans increasingly believe that the U.S. should prioritize new technological innovation and addressing climate change.
What’s The Hold Up? On Key Infrastructure, Too Often It’s NEPA
Findings from the American Petroleum Institute show that the permitting and review process in NEPA delays project completion by an average of 5.8 years, costing $4.2 million