Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

How stalling growth hurts the planet

How stalling growth hurts the planet

"Degrowthism may seem like the only reasonable response to the climate challenges we face, but the experience of enforced economic shrinking during the pandemic indicates the pain would outweigh the benefits — especially for the world's poorest."

Power the Future with Hydrogen

Power the Future with Hydrogen

Hydrogen is the ultimate game changer. Not only does it assure energy system reliability, affordability and security, but because it is versatile, it can address the sustainability needs of a multitude of markets.

Securing Cleaner American Energy

Securing Cleaner American Energy

"Our plan prioritizes preserving jobs today and creates more jobs for tomorrow by harnessing all of our energy resources. By unleashing American energy innovation across the board, we will sharpen our competitive edge, keep millions from becoming jobless and ensure that China’s agenda for global dominance is always just a dream."

America’s ‘Huge’ Hydrogen Opportunity

America’s ‘Huge’ Hydrogen Opportunity

"As a global company, we have witnessed the development of hydrogen economies in key markets, in particular in the past year, including the European Union and Asia. We have seen firsthand the positive impact that hydrogen has had on spurring economic development in those regions. Now is the time for the U.S. to take a leadership role at this critical juncture in the energy transition."

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