Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Colorado Oil & Gas Taunts The North Face At Mock Award Ceremony

Colorado Oil & Gas Taunts The North Face At Mock Award Ceremony

"'[A]s we’ve seen in recent weeks across the country that is hugely important part of what our industry – supplying affordable and efficient clean-burning natural gas to heat our homes and help power our grid – but we often forget just how many other things we have and enjoy in the 21st Century that are made possible because of oil and natural gas.'"

Chevron To Produce Carbon-Negative Energy In California

Chevron To Produce Carbon-Negative Energy In California

Charles Kennedy of reports that Chevron will produce carbon-negative energy in California. “The bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (BECCS) project is planned to convert agricultural waste biomass, such as almond trees, into a renewable synthesis gas that will be mixed with oxygen in a combustor to generate electricity, the U.S. oil and gas...

Rubio Calls for Rare-Earth Industrial Policy

Rubio Calls for Rare-Earth Industrial Policy

"When we talk about an international 'free market,' we have to remember that the Chinese Communist Party is a player with ambitions to overtake America as the world’s strongest nation. Competing on such an unlevel playing field will require ingenuity in our policymaking to defend American firms and workers from manipulations of the market by China."

A nuclear frontier

A nuclear frontier

"For all the hysterical talk from the Green New Dealers of a renewable-only future, the simple truth remains: renewables will never be reliable enough to power the modern world. If we want to tackle climate change, reduce emissions, and power the grid, then we need the proper mix of energy. We need to make sure that nuclear not only stays on the grid, but grows on it."

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